Athlete Appreciation Week! Day 2 – Lucy

Ok…. this lady has gone through quite the transformation… Lucy has lost 5 stone! Yes, 5 whole stone, 70 lbs, 31.8 kgs!


But the thing I’d really like to tell you about Lucy is that she lost 4 stone, then hit a plateau… “Ahhhh, a plateau…to be expected” said the wise man. When we pleateau we have to make a change… change creates change! Lucy stopped losing weight for 1 year, she continued to train, her body shape changed and is now one of my strongest girls, but she didn’t give up. We tried a few things and I eventually persuaded her to see my amazing nutritionist, Claire McDonald, who gave her a bespoke program to follow based on Lucy’s entire history. Within 2 months of just making a few tweaks, she has lost another stone and looks incredible! Her goal is to be super fit and healthy for life!

Lucy is getting married in 2016 and she is going to make the most beautiful bride inside and out!

So, here are the 3 things Lucy does consistently to stay on track…

1. She works out 3-6 times every week, coming to my early morning and evening bootcamps and is super active, cycling and trying new things. This is her lifestyle!

2. She sticks to her nutrition plan and loves it, she loves that her skin looks amazing and she is getting leaner, fitter and healthier! It is a positive that she looks after herself!

3. Lucy is open to trying new things. Lucy just ran her first 5 km run and is now training for a 10 k! She went to see the nutritionist who explained why she needed to adjust what she was doing and she can now see the results!

Well Done Lucy!

You Rock!

Love Aimie xxx

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